Gallantry and Intrepidity

Pvt José B. Nísperos (1887-1922) was the first Filipino and Asian-American awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Philippine-American War.

Nísperos, a Philippine native, joined the United States Army Philippine Scouts in 1907 and served for 5-years. In September 24, 1911, while fighting as a member of the 34th Company, Philippine Scouts, he was severely wounded. His left arm was broken and lacerated, and he had several spear wounds that made him unable to stand. Despite his injuries, Nísperos continued to fire his rifle with one hand until the enemy was repulsed, helping to prevent the annihilation of his party. Due to his injuries, the Army medically discharged Pvt Nísperos in 1912.

Soldier for Life. Committed to serving those who served before me.